Re: gnome-libs cvs

> Hi.  I've managed to obtain the cvs version of gnome-libs, because I
> wanted to play around with it.  Anyways, when I run autogen, everything
> seems to work, auto header, autoconf, automake, etc... but when it
> starts to run configure, it gives me a recursive error.  Here's the
> error output ( 2> blah.log).
> aclocal: 333: macro `AM_PATH_OAF' not found in library
> aclocal: 334: macro `AM_PATH_GCONF' not found in library

  You have to compile and install 'gconf' and 'oaf' from CVS. These
  macros are defined in gconf.m4 and oaf.m4.  But I also needed to
  modify gconf/gconf.m4 and oaf/oaf.m4 by attached patches.

> zvt/ variable `GDK_IMLIB_LIBS' not defined

  'zvt' in CVS yet have some dependencis to gdk_imlib.
  So compilation of zvt fails.

  And, _ORBIT_skel_GNOME_Unknown_* are duplicated in libgnomeui/*.c
  (idl/HistoryDB.idl ?), I commented out the 'gnome_unknown_built'
  definition from libgnomeui/

  KUSANO Takayuki 

--- gconf.m4.orig	Fri Nov 19 07:16:51 1999
+++ gconf.m4	Sat Nov 27 14:46:38 1999
@@ -12,8 +12,12 @@
 AC_ARG_ENABLE(gconftest, [  --disable-gconftest       Do not try to compile and run a test GCONF program],
 		    , enable_gconftest=yes)
-  for module in $4; do
-      gconf_config_args="$gconf_config_args $module"
+  for module in . $4 ; do
+      case "$module" in
+         gconf)
+            gconf_config_args="$gconf_config_args gconf"
+         ;;
+      esac
   if test x$gconf_config_exec_prefix != x ; then

--- oaf.m4.orig	Tue Nov 23 12:15:12 1999
+++ oaf.m4	Sat Nov 27 14:52:03 1999
@@ -12,9 +12,9 @@
 AC_ARG_ENABLE(oaftest, [  --disable-oaftest       Do not try to compile and run a test OAF program],
 		    , enable_oaftest=yes)
-  for module in "$4"; do
-      oaf_config_args="$oaf_config_args $module"
-  done
+dnl  for module in "$4"; do
+dnl      oaf_config_args="$oaf_config_args $module"
+dnl  done
   if test x$oaf_config_exec_prefix != x ; then
      oaf_config_args="$oaf_config_args --exec-prefix=$oaf_config_exec_prefix"

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