Re: [memprof] What is libiberty?

On Tue, Nov 16, 1999 at 04:01:16PM +0100, Vadasz wrote:
> I tried to configure memprof-0.3.0, but it complained about a missing
> lib: libiberty. Could someone very kindly tell me, where can I (if at
> all) find this lib?

It is part of binutils.  You need to find a binutils-dev package to
get the headers and static library for libiberty.

> (I have a Debian 2.1 (slink) installed, and an old GNOME (1.0.9))

I have debian slink with many random updates from potato, and GNOME
1.0.53, but memprof will not compile for lack of libglade-gnome.  This
is strange since `glade --version' yields "Gnome Glade 0.5.3" and when
run has all the gnome widgets available.

I also tried installing the rpms by converting them with alien, but
most of the dependencies aren't met =(O|

The bottom line is tat memprof doesn't yet work on debian.

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