Re: Multiple gnome sessions

>>>>>> "Sean" == Sean Legassick <> writes:
>Sean> I'm trying to work out how to invoke one of several
>Sean> gnome-sessions depending on context. What I really want is some
>Sean> command line parameter to gnome-session that specifies a name
>Sean> for the session. The session management options
>Sean> (--sm-config-prefix etc) look like they might be what I'm
>Sean> looking for, but I've tried playing with them and can't get what
>Sean> I want.
>Don't use the --sm-* options.
>Instead just pass the name of the session on the command line.
>gnome-session $(hostname)

Thanks - that works.

However it seems that a given user can only have one session running at
time. Is that correct?


/-Sean Legassick---------------------find the band at------------\
@ work:          *
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\--------------"So beautiful to be...state of emergency" - Bjork-/

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