Re: GNOME and PPP - suggestions for way forward

I have a default horizonal panel and a vertical sub-panel raised from a drawer in my default horizontal panel.  I have monitor in both.  In both cases the on button is on the left.  Attached is a gif image (1686 Bytes) of the modem light applet.

Tom Gilbert wrote:

My exact same setup. Different ISP, same scripts. Except, my pppon calls
ifup ppp0, which does exactly what your system(...) call does but with
more error checking etc. Mine then starts up fetchmail, starts the sending
of queued mail, and plays a little ditty, just so I know its finished. The
great thing is you can call this from an Xterm, the terminal, or
BTW, the modem-lights I run (and was raving about) is an earlier version
than yours, missing some features (report connect time and throughput,
check owner of lock-file etc). Looks like an excuse to upgrade.
You also threw me with the "button on the left to start" remark. I guess
you panel is vertical, right?

Tom Gilbert.

->I wanted to share with you my pppon and pppoff scripts hoping that it might benefit
->This is my /usr/local/bin/pppon file with executable permissions and /usr/local/bin in
->my PATH environment variable
->     #!/usr/bin/perl -w
->     if (! -e "/var/run/") {
->             until (-e "/var/run/") {
->                     system ('/usr/sbin/pppd connect  \'/usr/sbin/chat -v -f
->     /etc/ppp/\'');
->                     sleep (15);
->             }
->     }
->Here is my /etc/ppp/ file:
->(You have to customize here.  555-1212 is a dummy number.  You may have to put in some
->extra options depending on you login chat protocols from your ISP.)
->     "" ATZ
->     OK ATDT555-1212
->     CONNECT
->Here is /etc/ppp/options file:
->(You have to customize here.  user <username> where <username> should be your
->username.  I think this user thing is optional here and I did not test if it would
->work without this.  I have a 28.8Kbps modem.)
->     /dev/ttyS2 115200
->     lock
->     crtscts
->     defaultroute
->     asyncmap 0
->     mtu 576
->     mru 576
->     user myusername
->Assuming you have to do pap authentication for logon, you have to create file:
->/etc/ppp/pap-secrets something like this:
->(Here you have to customize.  You have to replace myusername and mypassword with your
->ownd username and password for your internet logon.  I also tested by replacing ppp0
->with * and it worked.)
->     # Secrets for authentication using PAP
->     myusername ppp0 mypassword
->Here is my /usr/local/bin/pppoff file:
->     #!/bin/bash
->     if [ -f /var/run/ ]; then
->             /bin/kill -TERM `cat /var/run/`
->     fi
->Here are examples of my file user and group permissions.
->(You have to customize your group setting by changing /etc/group.  Then use commands
->chmod and chgrp appropriately.)
->     -rw-r-----   1  root     group1          90       May     8 01:25 
->     options
->     -rw-------   1 root     root              137      May  8 13:41 
->     pap-secrets
->     -rw-r-----   1  root     group1         180      May  8 01:25 
->     -rwxr-x---   1 root      group1          86        May 11 19:35 
->     pppoff
->     -rwxr-x---   1 root      group1         125       May 25 20:42       pppon
->I am using this with gnome modem lights applets and it is working great for me.  I
->would mention the settings of this applet here:
->     Updates per second:            1
->     Connect command:            pppon
->     Disconnect command:      pppoff
->     Show connect time and throughput:  checked
->     Modem lock file:    /var/lock/LCK..ttyS2
->          (I had to customize this lock file name above.  Originally it was
->          /var/lock/LCK..modem.  It depends on what you put in
->          /etc/ppp/options file and it was /dev/ttyS2 115200 in my case.)
->     Verify owner of lock file: checked
->     Device:    ppp0
->I have to now click on the Left Hand ON button on the panel of this applet and it
->toggles on and off my internet connection.  When on, it turns bright green.  I also
->see the send/receive activities, the transfer rates, the connection times etc.  I
->think this is great.
->I may be risking some of my own security here.  But it may benefit many more people.
->Please if you see something wrong and should have been done differently, or if you
->have suggestions for improvements please let me know.)

Bhola De (

GIF image

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