Re: File manager tree.

On Fri, May 28 1999, Miguel de Icaza wrote:
>     The big problem here is that in order to achieve (1) you need to
> do a 2-level scan of the directories: one pass to scan all the names
> returned and stat the thing to figure out if the name is a directory,
> or if it is a file (ie, if it is a subdirectory, we need to scan the
> child to see if it has directories, in that case, we need to stick a
> [+] sign there).

  Pardon me if I am saying something stupid, but can't you figure out
if a directory has subdirs only by looking at its link count, as
returned by stat()? I guess this works for all UNIX-like filesystems.

  An empty subdirectory always have a count of 2 (its entry at the
parent and the self '.' reference). Any count greater than 3 means
there is at least one subdirectory, as can be confirmed with a "ls -la".

  Of course the root directory does not have the parent reference, but
you can safely assume it have a few subdirs. =)


  Marcelo de Gomensoro Malheiros --
       ---- THE LINUX FILES - The Source Is Out There ----

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