RE: Keyboard-> Pretty Good feature!

Cool! I've thought about this sort of thing, but I think this would be a
decent implimentation.


On Thu, 27 May 1999, Alain Marchand wrote:

> Hi all,
> You know what a good feature would be? Kind of a command line interpreter or application launcher like in all mentor graphics tool. If the mouse is over anything else than an application (over the background for example...) and then if you start writing something on the keyboard (like "emacs" for example), then a popup line entry will appear under your mouse, you finich typing your command, press enter, and here we go your application will start. No need to start a terminal just to start an application, no neeed to go in a deep menu. Just drag your mouse over the background (if it is not already there...) and type your command (with pipe, file completion, hyperlink(could start netscape.... cool i just thought about it   =O], etc. If your fisrt character is Ctrl or Alt, or blablabla then it is a keybinding for  the desktop or the window manager-> you ignore it, but if it is a character between [A:Z,a:z] then you popup the line entry for typing your command....
> What about that? It is a cool feature present in mentor graphics framework. Its for middle-lazy-power users like me ;O)
> Ciao!
> Alain
> P.S. If I would know how to program, i would like do it, but....  :O(
> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Ben Frantzdale []
> Sent:	Thursday, May 27, 1999 6:32 PM
> To:	Vsevolod E. Shorin
> Cc:; recipient list not shown: ;
> Subject:	Re: Keyboard
> I agree... If one is using a keybord, switching to the mouse to start a
> program or change something is a pain. Windows has become very good at
> being able to do almost anything with no mouse... I'm supprised that
> gnome is useless without using the  mouse all the time(almost) given that
> those who made it tend to like the command line...
> --Ben
> On Thu, 27 May 1999, Vsevolod E. Shorin wrote:
> > It seems to me that gnome should take more use of keyboard. All dialogs
> > make user use mouse for almost all operations and that's not very good
> > idea. I think that adding some more keys would be enough easy and very
> > useful.
> > 
> > Vsevolod E. Shorin
> > 
> > 
> > -- 
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