Updated RH 6.0 GNOME RPMS 5/26

>>>>> "Dax" == Dax Kelson <dkelson@inconnect.com> writes:

    Dax> ftp://ftp.inconnect.com/pub/unix/linux/redhat-6.0/contrib-updates/

Thank you for the sources! However, gnome-libs 1.0.9 breaks gnome-core 1.0.5:
specifically, none of the panel applets work. Gnome-core 1.0.5 runs OK
with gnome-libs 1.0.8 (precompiled for Redhat 5.2). Any hint?

I run RH 5.2 and recompiled all your SRPMS on my box.

--- *** --- *** --- *** ---
Pierluigi Miraglia pierlu AT iname.com pmiragli AT kent.edu 

The soul has a self-increasing logos (Herakl.)

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