Re: Midnight Commander 4.5.32 is out

Does not compile for me :-(
Solaris 2.6, GTK+1.2.3, gnome-libs-1.0.9, gcc-2.8.1

subshell.c: In function `pty_open_master':
subshell.c:1105: parse error before `if'
subshell.c: At top level:
subshell.c:1113: warning: parameter names (without types) in function
subshell.c:1113: warning: data definition has no type or storage class
subshell.c:1114: parse error before `return'
make[1]: *** [subshell.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory
make: *** [all] Error 1

I ran ./configure without options


  Source code location:       .
  Compiler:                   /usr/local/bin/gcc
  Compiler flags:             -O3 -msupersparc
-I/usr/local/lib/glib/include -I/usr/local/include
  File system:                Midnight Commander Virtual File System
                              tarfs, mcfs, ftpfs, fish
  Text mode screen manager:   SLang (system-installed library) with
  Install console saver:      no
  Text mode mouse library:    xterm only
  Text mode X11 support:      no
  Debugger code:              none
  With subshell support:      yes
  X11 versions:               Gnome+
  Internal editor:            yes
  Install path:               /usr/local/bin, /usr/local/lib/mc

 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Paul Barnfather ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 
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|      __     .             |
     o--o-... 75TS                                    o'~o... 750SS

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