Problems with gnome-core-1.0.5 applets

I have RH 5.2, gcc I compiled glib and gtk+ 1.2.3, gnome-libs
1.0.9 and gnome-core 1.0.5 from SRPM ( Most things
work, but all of the panel applets I've tried segfault with the following

** CRITICAL **: file applet-widget.c: line 655 (gnome_panel_applet_corba_init): assertion `panel_client != ((void *)0)' failed.

** CRITICAL **: file applet-widget.c: line 699 (applet_widget_new): assertion `corbadat!=NULL' failed.

** ERROR **: Can't create applet!


(this is from gnomepager). Does anyone know what is going on?

BTW, the rest of the gnome pkgs I have installed are from the RH rpms (so
I have Orbit 0.4.3). I did erase all the old config files in ~/.gnome
before starting wtih the new gnome-core. Thank you,

--- *** --- *** --- *** ---
Pierluigi Miraglia pierlu AT pmiragli AT 

The soul has a self-increasing logos (Herakl.)

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