Re: Miguel horribly misquoted?

Well, in sad reality, KDE is easier to install and configure currently
than GNOME and it "feels" more mature. I was just curious and ran
install and suddenly I had KDE up and running. It's kinda nifty, but I
still prefer a true GPL desktop, and I also prefer Window Maker. In
time, GNOME will level out and more attention will be paid to ease of
install and that issue will become a mute point. Pieces of that puzzle
are already starting to come together. I see GNOME has more
possibilities in breaking new ground because of the rebelious and
creative bent of the developers. KDE struck me as a little too slick and
commercial. However, bridges should not be burned by flippant remarks -
cooperation in the future could be of great benefit to both the KDE and
GNOME teams, and that requires a level of civility between the two


"Sergey I. Panov" wrote:
> > many people on kde-devel are already sick and very
> > disgusted by several FUD that Miguel has spread.
> Well, he is entitled to have his personal opinion. It is just a question
> of being good or bad politician. I am afraid that most of us will not be
> happy if someone label us as good(any) politicians.
> Another note. I've got my LJ 62 and on page 6 I read that:
>  "... This area in which we are ahead. GNOME and CDE and other desktop
> systems for UNIX have not been translated"
> On page 55 you will find passages like:
>  "... KDE is excellent technology that matured faster then GNOME.
>  ... KDE. Technologically, it is superior in all cases and more
> mature."
> And I did not read all the articles yet! How would you qualify those
> statemnts? FUD? Lies?
>  Sergey
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