Re: Other Window Managers

There are actually a dozen (or maybe more).  I use enlightenment since I started on WindowMaker, didn't like it, moved to Afterstep, didn't like it, and found E.  E is the smoothest of the Windowmanagers I've used.It has lots of great themes and the world seems to run smooth as silk when in E.  Just a thought..
----- Original Message -----
From: A Palsson
Sent: Thursday, May 20, 1999 1:52 AM
Subject: Other Window Managers

As a newbie to Gnome, running it under Redhat 5.2, I have to say that the installation wasn't too painful. (For someone new to Linus)
The question is, are there other desktops apart from Enlightenment, and how do I get those, install and switch between them once installed.

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