Re: Notification services

On Wed, 05 May 1999 17:49:07 EDT, Dave wrote:

>Hmm this sounds like a pretty good idea to me.  Kinda a "biff 
protocol" of
>sorts.  Dont think such a thing would too hard to implement.  Maybe 
as a
>background process like esd and an xapp could catch them and queue 
them or
>something..  Anyone else have thoughts on this?

Sounds interesting.  I'm not entirely sure how useful it would be, 
but it sounds like a fairly simple project.  In fact, I have some 
code which would at least start the project (from gnome-mailcheck, 
which is currenly on hold pending work on Bertrand's camel API).

If nobody else gets around to this by next week (my next free time), 
I'll see what I can put together in terms of a simple library routine 
and an applet to pop up message boxes.  Or are people thinking of 
something more elaborate?

But if someone else wants to jump on this, feel free.  I have plenty 
of other things (finals and graduation among others) on my plate over 
the next few weeks.  Of course, writing something quick sounds like a 
good way to put off studying for finals... :)


Russell Steinthal
<>		Columbia College Class of 1999
<>		System Administrator, AV-Network

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