Again Database Storage Approach...

Hi out there,

when the "Database Storage Approach"-discussion started, it was
something like "I (or my mum) would like to as 'what was the file I
edited last week and the topic was XYZ'".
Well, I didn't follow the discussion very closely, but today I happen to
read a quite interesting newspaper article about programms which can
create an index of documents on your server. The most interesting one
seems to be "harvest",, a
gpl-programm which creates an index-database that can be searched by a
web-interface which relys on glimpse (so I suppose using glimpse
directly should work as well).

To make a long mail short: I didn't have a closer look at harvest, but I
suppose that writing a gnome-interface to configure it and a
gnome-interface to querry it might be a big deal of what was expected in
the first place. I don't expect it to be too much work and the big
advantage would be that you don't actually need gnome or X to use this
index. lynx would be enough.

So that's it, just a little idea and perhaps a rather stupid one, if you
think about it closer. I myself will try to install and use harvest
during the next week to find out about it's capabilities.

However, even if it works absolutely perfect, a gnome-interface is
nothing that I could do.


"Funny. Just when you think live can't get any worse, it suddenly does."

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