Re: imlib 1.9.4

> From: Sergio Brandano <>

>  I failed several times to configure imlib, then I checked in
> where I found this jewel (row 288):
> > PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING],echo "********* WARNING *********** Your libpng 
version is 1.0.2. Build will not continue until you revert to 1.0.1 or a newer 
>  What is the first bet?

Get and install libpng 1.0.3 first.  1.0.2 was broken with regard to shared 
library use or something, and using it was what caused loads of people to 
complain about black backgrounds to all their icons in Gnome.  So this little 
check was added to ImLib.  

Works for me,

-------My opinion - Not sane, intelligent or necessarily useful-------
o o                             
/v\ark R. Bowyer.  mailto:Mark.Bowyer@UK.Sun.COM
`-'  "That weenie's avoiding me!" - Scott McNealy about

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