Re: Updated gnome-* RPMs

Where did you get these RPMs from ? I had a very similar problem,
specifically with console-based Midnight Commander. It installed from
RPM okay, but looking at it's "INFO" after the fact showed that it req'd
GLIBC2.1 (???). Don't know how it installed without me having that...

I'd suggest getting the RPMs again, only this time get them from a Gnome
mirror (I'm assuming you may have gotten them from RedHat's upcoming
Starbuck release).

Greg Fall wrote:
> I don't suppose I'm the only person having this chronic
> "_register_frame_info" library problem with recent RPMs.  Am I?  It
> started (and remains) with gnotepad+, GXedit, and gqview, and it has
> moved on to esound, and maybe others I haven't noticed.  Building them
> from the SRPMs doesn't work any more either.  Wish I had time to hack,
> but instead I'll just ask if anybody has a cure.  When I check the
> --requires on these various packages, my gtk+ shared objects are right,
> but the builds die with undefined references to __register_frame_info
> and __deregister_frame_info.

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