gmc every-other-desktop-click bug

Package: gmc
Version: CVS 03-21-99

  When I click on the root window in certain circumstances [1], gmc only seems
to capture every other mouse click.  That is, I click, nothing happens, then I
click again and the mouse cursor changes, a rubber band appears, etc.  This
applies both to left and right clicks, as far as I can tell.

 [1] This effect can apparently only be observed when clicking 'in the box of
an icon' -- in the space outside the actual icon image but within the rectangle
defined by conceptually extending the name widget up to the top of the icon:
"   +------+    "
"   |      |    "
"   | icon |    "
"   |      |    "
"   +------+    "
"  Box of icon  "
"|    name     |"


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