RE: Super User Launcher

because the administrator dosnt have to spend the time bringing up a
console/terminal, typing su, typing the password, and then running the run

It will just prompt him in the beginning

> -----Original Message-----
> From:	C Wayne Huling []
> Sent:	Tuesday, March 16, 1999 11:10 AM
> To:	Fox, Kevin M
> Subject:	RE: Super User Launcher
> Fox, Kevin M writes:
> > How about this:
> > Setuid it, have the program look in its list, and if the user is not in
> the
> > list, prompt for the root password. That way, if an administrator needs
> to
> > do something quickly to an acount that is not normaly privledged to do
> so,
> > the administrator still can...
> I see no difference between that method, and the admin just doing an
> su...  
> The runas and sudo would make things easier for a predetermined group
> of users.  When I am logged in as user <wayne> and need to install a
> package, I just do a runas gnorpm and it works fine...
> -- 
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