Re: I stil can get gmc to crash; wondering if I've a setup problem

> I've found that right-clicking on an icon in gmc and choosing
> Properties from the popup menu still causes gmc to crash, from version
> 4.5.23 to 4.5.26. I'm beginning to wonder if I've got a problem with
> my setup because the later releases I believe were supposed to fix
> this problem.

No, I can get it to crash as well.  In fact, if I follow these steps I can
get gmc 4.5.26 to crash consistently.

>From the desktop menu, create a directory (New->Directory), I made my
directory called "dog".  So suddenly, a folder called "dog" shows up on my

Click on the "dog" folder, and then try to delete it.  Instant crash.

I'm running all latest gnome-libs, gnome-core, and latest mc.    I can
also get it to crash if I try to change the icon.  Sometimes after getting
the icon changed (I have to re-run gmc to realize the icon change) it
changes back to the old icon.  But I haven't been able to duplicate that
just yet.

> Can anyone confirm whether the problem is at my end or gmc's end?

I would say, it's gmc.


Sri Ramkrishna         /|\ Unix is very user friendly, its just very picky
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