Re: gedit strangeness?

On Sat, 13 Mar 1999, Alex Roberts wrote:

> > Am I the only one, or is this common?
> I am aware ofthis happening with BIG files; unless that is what you are referring
> to.. otherwise, are you using Gtk-Themes? I have heard they affect loading times.
> Maybe its a problem with the text widget and pixmap themes..

Yes, I use themes, and no, it's definiuteyl not with big files.. I have
only edited files in the <2k range.

> I'll look into it.
> Thanks for bringing it up.

No problem at all, it's a great program (inspired by notetab? :) and this
issue is really annoying... If there's anything I can do (short of
contributing code ;) to help, let me know.

best wishes,

"Why do we always come here?" - "I guess we'll never know."
"It'l like a kind of torture to have to watch this show."

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