Re: Gnome and Sound

I hate to keep throwing this stuff at you, but now I'm getting the following message when I load esddsp x11amp &:

sh: error in loading shared libraries cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

The program runs, but now I seem to have lost my sound. 

Thanks again and sorry to bother you.  I'd just really like to get this working.


>On 10 Mar, Daniel A. Scholnick scribbled:
>->  Thanks for the tip.  I tried that, but I got the following message:
>->   esddsp x11amp &
>->  [2] 23909
>->                                                                                  133) x11amp: error in loading shared libraries
>-> cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
>->  [2]    Exit 127                      esddsp x11amp
>->  I did a locate on and it's in /usr/lib:
>->  /usr/lib/
>ln -s /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/

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