General help mailing list?

I'm wondering if there is a general help mailing list for gnome.  I'm
guessing from this list that this one is for more advanced users and
suggestions on upcomming releases.

I've seen a few mails from users new to gnome and sometimes linux in general
get ignored when they're fairly simple, quick questions that can be

As another person said in a previous mail, the Gnome project is supposedly
about bringing Linux to the masses with a more friendly user environment.
The gnome web page has links to mailing lists (all of which except for this
one seem to be for developers) and a F.A.Q., which does not appear to be a
F.A.Q. in the sense that the questions answered on it are the most
frequently asked.

In the few days that I've seen mails to this list, most of the questions
asked by new gnome users are:

1.) Why won't the RPM's install as per the instructions on the web site

2.) Why won't Gnome start properly via xdm, or other methods

3.) Why do the same applications keep starting up every time I login, and
how do I prevent them from staring the next time?

4.) Where do programs go when I click the minimize button?  How do I get
them back?

5.) Why do windows suddenly dissapear with no trace, leaving core files all
over my system?

6.) Why does the PPP dialer do nothing?

In fact, I wouldn't mind compiling this information into an updated faq if
someone could just post it somewhere in html format.  But for this project,
espesially after a 1.0 release, I think this sort of thing is neccessary.


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