Re: should I upgrade ?

To the below, I can't elaborate on redhat, I don't use it.  I do my gnome
stuff from cvs and install on my stampede distribution.

On 9 Mar 1999, Philippe Moutarlier wrote:
> > > I have the gnome 1.0 rpms installed and most things work, but there are
> > > a few screwups.
> With which glibc library ? Do the rpms dependancies  require 2.1 to be
> installed ?

I'm using glibc 2.1.

> Again, with which library 2.0 or 2.1 ? Do I have to go to 2.1 ?

glibc2.1 causes several programs that were previously linked to glibc 2.0 to
either crash or behave incorrectly.

If you have 2.1 and a program starts acting differently, recompile it now
that you have glibc 2.1 installed.

You do not _have_ to go to 2.1.

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