gmc segfault

  Hmm.  I submitted this to the BTS but haven't gotten any response yet.  I know
stuff gets read on the mailing list.. :-)


----- Forwarded message from Daniel Burrows <> -----

Date: Sun, 28 Feb 1999 21:42:01 -0500
From: Daniel Burrows <>
Subject: gmc segfault
X-Mailer: Mutt 0.95.3i

Package: gmc
Version: CVS 02-28-99

  If I right-click on a file, select "Properties", and click "Cancel",
gmc segfaults.

  (it doesn't seem to always do this and sometimes it just 'loses' the icon
   for the file type I clicked on and draws black rectangles instead.  But
   it happens almost every time.)

  Daniel Burrows
  You will soon forget this.

----- End forwarded message -----

  "People would panic?"
  "Very briefly, I'm afraid."

     -- The dangers of colliding with a star examined;
           Terry Pratchett, _The Light Fantasic_

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