Black PNG Files and Window Managers


	I just compiled GNOME (all the latest sources) on this stock Debian 2.1 system.
However, there are two nagging problems which are really annoying me:

1. PNG files that apparently are supposed to have transparent backgrounds do
not, they have black ones. I don't know if this is a problem with libpng or
something else, but GNOME is having a problem displaying PNGs properly. This
affects all the desktop icons, as well as almost everything on the panel. Any
insight as to what could be causing this would be appreciated.

2. The "Window Manager" section in gnomecc won't load. Therefore, I can't run
only "gnome-session" in .xsession, I have to have:
	/usr/local/enlightenment/bin/enlightenmnet &
for it to work. Again, any help on this would be great.


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