On Wed, 9 Jun 1999, Jason Tackaberry wrote:
> This is always mentioned in passing, but I have never heard more than a brief
> mention of it.  Are there some juicy details for inquiring minds?  Maybe you
> could mention it in next week's summary? :)  I'm mostly curious about what the
> design differences are compared to gmc, and what kind of cool features we can
> expect.

I mentioned it in the first week's summary, so I can't recycle it quite

Ettore and Miguel are the main people that have mentioned working on it,
and Ettore has the big ideas. You might get him to fill you in if you send
him mail, or he reads this list.

My impression is: the big improvements are a better virtual filesystem
layer, with a nice API and more powerful; and at least the appearance of
multithreadedness (possibly just using an event loop internally, but the
important thing is that gmc won't lock up when it's busy).

I'm sure bigger improvements are possible, and tons of GUI niceness will
hopefully be a side effect of internal niceness. Hopefully a few people
will get involved with this and hack on it - maybe someone could fire up a
mailing list and get some people together to help.


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