Re: SuSE

On Tue, 1 Jun 1999, [iso-8859-1] françois nowé wrote:

> Hello, I'm running SuSE 6.1 with the latest GNOME RPM but my system become very instable (when running GNOME) and I don't see why.
> Why RH RPMS are more recent that the SuSE RPMS ? Why are they different ?

AFAIK compilation takes place against different versions of things, thus
the distibutions are different. I thought all the common-stuff was shared,
so I could be wrong.

> Can I compile GNOME Tar Sources ?
Should be able to. If you can't, it's probably a bug.

> Must I compile GNOME ?

Well, I don't like waiting for RPMs to come out, some several bits of my
system are compiled from latest tarballs (GTK and Gnome for instance).

FWIW, Gnome/WM combo seems very stable here. Oh...
[jg@cyberstorm jg]$ uptime
  3:52am  up 13 days,  8:54,  5 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.05, 0.11

- and my friend next door who loves to run the latest release of anything
from a certain Redmond-based company starts dancing and boasting when his
98 machine stays up for 2 days.

I must say though, that anything less than latest everything is risky -
gnome up until about three months ago was very shaky for many people.

James Green
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