Re: developement packages

* jack wallen, jr ( [990725 00:56]:
> what are the development packages for?  is it something obvious? ;-)

The devel packages (as stated in the RedHat docs) are extra files
needed to compile programs against the libraries in the normal
packages. eg. If you just have gnome-libs, you can run gnome-apps, but
probably won't have the correct files to compile programs requiring
gnome-support. You need the gnome-libs-devel package for this.

If you do not intend to compile *anything* yourself, you can safely
leave the devel packages out.


PS. Do you realise your signature is 13 lines long? Your last message
was one line question, 13 lines .sig.... Some compaction on your part
would save me considerable deletions when I reply to your posts :-)
    .^.     | Tom Gilbert, England | |
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