soundcard vs esd


At 17.14 19/07/99 +0100, you wrote:
>>  I'm fighting with esound 027 and yamaha opl3ax, becasue esound when I run
>>gnome it blocks the whole system.
>Well, I have an OPL3sa ISA PnP card in my home PC, and run RedHat6.0 with
> fairly recent Enlightenment, esd and Gnome on it. 
> And I have no problems =OZ

  I think to change every addresses io, dma , etc.  of my machine ! ;)
  ... after I' ve downloaded the kernel229, before I compiled it in the
sound part as entirly module, now I'm compiling as monolitic ...
  ... before I activated also the soundblaster module, now I 've just
disabled it
.... before I try with sndconfig ... now thorough isapnp  ... the last way
is change with gnotepad the isapnp.con and con.module files ...

  the last results :
  the cdrom it's ok , the fisrt wave sound I launch with filemanager (it
start esdplay) paly, the second freeze the whole machine (I must use on/off
interruttor to unblock the laptop)

  if I start esd on console, the machine freeze itselfs as above ...

  sometimes give me some line where seems to see that esd try to ply
thruogh precisious frequency, and it does' not arrive nowhere

>sound tool.  Note that playing CDs is done entirely in hardware, so that
>count - you need to pump a WAV or midi file out to be sure.

  I've just understood it ! :(

>If that works, then see how your esd is being started.  If it *doesn't*
>the line "-as 2" or some similar number, then kill esd and restart it with
>arguement.  You could do this by modifying /usr/local/etc/esd.conf (or
> wherever 

   I've no found this file /usr/local/etc/esd.conf :(

>Good luck,

  I hope to have :(((

 ... now I' trying to find as I must work exactly with isapnptools (it had
not man documentatios)

  Thanks :)
Michele Mariottini
R&M Studio - Bibbiena (AR) Italia
tel.  +39 0575 536340

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