Re: Help with GNOME

Create a user account!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This cannot be stressed enough.
you should never use the root account for routine work. It's too easy to screw something up.
to create one:
# adduser derek
# passwd derek

once you've created that account:
$ cd  ~derek
$ cat > .xinitrc
exec gnome-session
$ chmod 755 .xinitrc

or do it with your favorite text editor. I prefer cat for simple editing it's faster. this is also the file you'd use to run apps at startup like so:

# .xintrc
netscape -component-bar &
wmnet &
xmms &
<whatever-app-you-want> &
#your window manager or desktop environment must come last.
exec gnome-session
# .xintrc

the ampersands make it run that app and continue on, otherwise it would wait for the first to complete before running the second.
the "exec" makes it replace the xinit script's execution with your gnome-session. makes it cleaner, saves a few k of memory, not crutial. wrote:

> Okay I have REdhat 5.2 on an Intel machine...I just got all the GNOME RPMS says in the readme that to use GNOME I need to put exec gnome-session in either xsession, xclients, or /root dir has none of those..I don't have an account created for myself because I am not hooked to a network..and I can do everything prett well from the root login..Can someone help me please
> -Derek McLaughlin
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