Re: Gnome control center

On Sun, 18 Jul 1999, Patrick Markiewicz wrote:

>It doesn't say -lesd.  I know why too.  I compiled gnome-libs after I
>built esd.  Does that mean I have to recompile gnome-libs, or can I just
>reconfigure something.  Also does this mean I have to recompile

'fraid you'll have to rebuild gnome-libs. You didn't correctly compile
gnome-libs with sound-support enabled. You'll have to try agin. This time,
check out ./configure --help first and make sure you select the correct

>everything associated with gnome?  If that is the case, then I can't
>imagine how this is supposed to be feasible at all for anyone to
>upgrade.  Thx a lot.
>								-- PaddyM

Its perfectly feasible. You just have to do it right :-)

(Gnome libs, generally speaking, makes everthing else work. You'll only
have to rebuild libs, not "everything associated with gnome").

    .^.     | Tom Gilbert, England | |
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