Re: Help in Setting up DocBook

(Description of all error messages follows)

> You need the gtk-doc packages as that is the system we are using to
> strip the functions, etc. from the actual code and create sgml
> template files. You can get gtk-doc from the gtk-dco/ CVS module or
> from

Okay, I forgot to mention that I did indeed have gtk-doc installed from
CVS.  I ran gtkdoc-mkdb --module=gnomeui from the devel-docs/gnomeui
directory and it created the sgml directory from the tmpl directory just
fine.  However, I didn't see any calls to gtk-doc functions in any

Is running make in devel-docs supposed to create all the sgml files with
gtkdoc ?

When I run make in devel-docs, I receive the following messages:

	jade:/usr/lib/sgml/docbook-dtd/dbpool.mod:4323:27:E: parameter entity
	"para.char.mix" not defined
	invalid: only data tag group, model group, element token, "#PCDATA" and
	token separators are allowed

The messages repeat often.  The call to db2html also doesn't set the TAR
variable correctly, and so the final tar fails:

	/usr/local/bin/db2html: chozf: command not found
	cp ./gnome-dev-info/book1.html gnome-dev-info.html
	cp: ./gnome-dev-info/book1.html: No such file or directory
	make[1]: [gnome-dev-info.html] Error 1 (ignored)

Am I supposed to run the gtkdoc tools manually or should the makefile work

Part 2:
gnome-docu processing

I get very similar errors with gnome-docu.  Except the gnome-docu
makefiles DO correctly set the TAR env variable so the final tar at the
end of processing works fine.  But as I said before, only comtains an
empty directory.

	jade:/usr/lib/sgml/docbook-dtd/dbhier.mod:639:23:E: delimiter ")" 
	only data tag group, model group, element token, "#PCDATA" and token
	separators are allowed
	jade:/usr/lib/sgml/docbook-dtd/dbhier.mod:665:6:E: parameter entity
	"divcomponent.mix" not defined

	cannot generate system identifier for public text "-//Norman
	Walsh//DOCUMENT DocBook HTML Stylesheet//EN"
	no style-specification or external-specification with ID "DOCBOOK"
	"element" is not the name of any flow object class

Again, are the makefiles supposed to make all things correctly, using
gtkdoc etc. as its installed?

My jade config as shown by gnome-docu:

JADE_FLAGS="$JADE_FLAGS -D `cd .;pwd` -D `pwd`" \
	TAR="gtar" GZIP_ENV="--best" \
	/home/srust/gnome-work/gnome-docu/scripts/db2html ./gnome-faq.sgml

> As a side note, the tetex on RH 6.0 is not broken its just that
> jadetex had not caught up with that version of tex. The problem is
> being worked on. You can grab a hack version of jadetex from
> but you will not be able to do all
> languages with this one, only English. It is fairly important for you
> to have jadetex if you do any ps output... personally I think the rtf
> output is a joke compared.

Sorry, it was wrong of me to blame tetex.  I'll grab the new jadetex and
check things out.

> Cheers,
> Dave

Thanks Dave.

I hope I'm missing something obvious.  It just seems strange to me for my
jade tests with docbook.dsl to work just fine, yet for the gnome tests to
all fail similarly.  Thanks for any help you can give.


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