Re: gnome help

Hi Randy
Welcome to Linux the fun part is what you can/will learn about
To begin please take a look at

For PPP setup with redhat 6.0 look at

For reading CD ROM and floppy you need to give your self permission to
do so. Weird but true it is part of using a system that was designed for
networks and network security. The key will be to use Linuxconf to give
your self as a user (you have set up user shell account for your self?)
then you should be able to mount and use CD-ROM and Floppy disks.

Take your time do some reading most of what you find, will be very
cryptic at first but as you dig through, some of it will start to make
since. The best resource I have found is 
also the Redhat site is full of useful tips

It is tradition that you read the manuals first try something then ask
Questions about trouble spots or something that confuses you in the
manual (all the damm man pages confuse me) 

If you have trouble locating documents mail me off list and I will try
to help where I can.

Dennis Lee

Randy Gnaedinger wrote:
> Hi,
>     I'm a novice at Linux and at Gnome, but know a lot about windows.  I
> have a few questions I hope someone can answer.  One how do I get a PPP
> dial up going.  Two were can I configure hardware.  Three how do I see
> files that are on something like a CD-ROM or on a 3.5 inch floppy.  My
> linux is from Redhat and is version 6.0 the GNOME I'm using is the
> version that can with linux when I installed it.
> Thank You   Randy Gnaedinger
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