Re: Can't get less to work with gnome-terminal

Hello!  Hello!  

   Good news:

> > as of sometime before 1.0.7 release, gnome-terminal sets the TERM
> > variable to dumb. god knows why... do an 'export TERM=xterm' or 'export
> > TERM=linux' first.
> You don't (or rather shouldn't) have to do that. You can select the
> terminal class in the preferences dialog. The problem is that it seems
> to get reset every now and then to the default, which, as you say, has
> just been changed to "dumb" (and hopefully someone other than god does
> know why).

Indeed, there was a bug in gnome-terminal.  If there was no TERM set
before launching gnome-terminal it would not set it to xterm (this was 
set during the copy-environment routine).

Thanks to all of you that helped me in fixing this problem by sending
good, accurrate information.

best wishes,

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