newest RPMS

Greetings -

Has anyone on this list encountered issues with missing libgtk-
and libgdk- after installing the latest rpms?  I have added
symlinks for them pointing to the newest versions which are
(or something close I'm not at that box right now).  This seems to have
fixed some apps but others are quite unstable.  gtop never dies but it
never pops up any windows either.  It just hangs.  I think this problem
lies in with the way I applied the RPMS but I could be wrong.  I'm a
Linux Novice so bear with me.  To install that latest version I
downloaded the complete rpm list from
and then slammed them all in using rpm -Uvh *rpm --nodeps.  This is how
I upgraded from the RedHat cdrom install of Gnome to 0.99.3 and it
worked great.  This does not seem to be the case for an upgrade from .3
to .7  Did I blow chunks here?  If I did how do I back things out and
start over (without installing linux.. again).  Should all the RPMs one
by one and then apply them in a particular order?

All help is appreciated.

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