Help: multithreaded GNOME app

>>>>> "Jason" == Jason Tackaberry <> writes:

    > So gtk_main() will be run by thread A, and thread A will be
    > responsible for all GUI calls.  So if thread B comes along and
    > needs to make a gtk call, it can put this on some sort of queue.

Ok.  this is very simple to do.

Create a pipe (using the pipe() system call) and monitor the read side 
of the pipe on the GUI thread, like this:

int pipes [2];

	pipe (pipes);
	gdk_input_add (pipes [0], GDK_INPUT_READ, notify_function);

Then, on the thread that needs to notify the GUi, do this:

		char c;
	        write (pipes [1], &c, sizeof (c));

Your notify_function will be invoked.  Make sure you read one byte
every time.  And of course, check the return values for read/write,
they might return -1/errno=EINTR, so you need to retry and stuff. 

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