Re: Help: multithreaded GNOME app

> I'm not actually sure how this solves my problem.  You said I can use
> semaphores to monitor the queue, but how do I monitor the state of the
> semaphore?  Remember, my intent was to have one thread handle gtk+ calls (the

Well, do a man on semop.  However, this doesn't talk about threads just
processes, so it may or may not apply.  I'm a bit fuzzy on I'm
from the pre-thread school days of Unix.

> thread that calls gtk_main()).  I doubt there's a gtk_monitor_semaphore

There should be one. ;)

> function. :)  On the other hand, it's entirely possible I'm being an idiot and
> completely missing your point.  If that's the case, some pseudocode might help
> this thick head figure out what you mean. :)

Or it's entirely possible, that I'm being the idiot and I'm missing your
point.  I'll put out some psuedo code when I get off of work, I probably
should be using my brains at work at the moment. :-)


Sri Ramkrishna         /|\ Unix is very user friendly, its just very picky
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