> > Dont know. I did see something about a standard X clipboard on freshmeat.
> > Maby you might want to check it out. It would be verry nice to have a
> > standard X clipboard for all X apps.
Okay, I've checked freshmeat out now.
Apparently, It's a clipboard history list for KDE.
(Does KDE use the X clipboard, or does it use it's own inplementation?)
Anyway... Some time ago, there were a lot of talking about writing a decent clipboard, not just for Gnome and X windows, but allso for native (console) applications (providing that they did compile in the cut&paste ability :)
A smart, reconfigurable clipboard, there you would be able to store the 'clips' not just in memory, but allso in other media (in a file, or something) , and there you would be able to share the 'clips' over a network...
What has happened to these idea's?
- I would like to know, because if someone allready has written one, or is in late progress of writing one, then it's of no value that I continues to work with this things...
// Liss