CVS weirdness.

Help.  CVS keeps updating the same set of files over and over again.
If I enter one of the subdirectories in the gnome tree and run:

	cvs -z3 update -d gnome

it appears as though the files are being updated.
If I then run the command again, instead of showing that no
files need updating, the same list of files gets touched.
I'm confused.  I only want the latest files.  This sequence 
makes me question whether I am building using a clean and
up-to-date tree.

(root@sparky) /usr/src/gnome/ORBit/src/IIOP cvs update 
cvs server: Updating .
P IIOP-private.h
P IIOP-types.h
P connection.c
P giop-msg-buffer.c
(root@sparky) /usr/src/gnome/ORBit/src/IIOP cvs update 
cvs server: Updating .
(root@sparky) /usr/src/gnome/ORBit/src/IIOP cvs update 
cvs server: Updating .
U IIOP-private.h
U IIOP-types.h
U connection.c
U giop-msg-buffer.c
(root@sparky) /usr/src/gnome/ORBit/src/IIOP cvs update 
cvs [update aborted]: connect to failed:
Connection refused
(root@sparky) /usr/src/gnome/ORBit/src/IIOP cvs update 
cvs server: Updating .
P IIOP-private.h
P IIOP-types.h
P connection.c
P giop-msg-buffer.c
(root@sparky) /usr/src/gnome/ORBit/src/IIOP cvs update -f
cvs server: Updating .
(root@sparky) /usr/src/gnome/ORBit/src/IIOP cvs update -f
cvs server: Updating .
U IIOP-private.h
U IIOP-types.h
U connection.c
U giop-msg-buffer.c

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