Re: Pixmap Themes too slow (was gnomepad+)

If it is just the GtkText widget which is causing problems, you could
probably modify the theme to not use pixmaps to draw GtkText widgets.

Just add something like the following to the theme:
  class "GtkText" style "text"
  style "text"
    fg[NORMAL] = { 0.rr,, }
    fg[PRELIGHT] = { ... }
    fg[ACTIVE] = ...
    fg[SELECTED] = ...
    fg[INSENSITIVE] = ...
    bg[...] = ...

This should take precedence over the default style defined in the theme,
and use a simple colour based theme.  You could pick the colours to match
your pixmap theme.

The gtk theme system is very configurable.  You could even theme half the
widgets with one engine theme, and the rest with a pixmap theme if you
really wanted to.



On Mon, 13 Dec 1999, Craig Orsinger wrote:

>         For the record, I am using pixmap-based themes. In particular,
> I've been using the blue-steel theme (both the GTK and Enlightenment
> themes) for a while now. That's probably when I first noticed the slowness
> in gnomepad, spruce, and gedit. There are just a couple of I want to make
> about this:
>         * Other programs are not this slow. I was pointing out this
> problem in this way partly because I suspected that there was a common
> feature these particular programs have that is slow, at least under
> some circumstances. It appears, based on the discussion, that this
> may be right. Elsewhere, folks are pointing to the gtk_text widget.
> That's how things often get fixed in this environment - someone points
> out the problem, the folks who write or use the code argue about it
> a while and try to find the cause, and then someone figures out how
> to fix it. Sometimes it doesn't work that way.

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