Re: Thoughts & suggestions

> My POINT would be, GNOME could modify the consolehelper code and embed it
> right into gnome-core, no?  In a desktop entry, a users options could be
> added, with the names of all the users who can run the file.  And a mainuser
> or defaultuser or something could be added, so that if a user not listed in
> users tries to run the program from the .desktop entry, a dialog pops up
> asking for the password of defaultuser, and then runs the program if the
> password is correct.
> Sean Middleditch
> Etc.

Hmm, that could work. But I think it would be better if the application didn't
depend on the .desktop entry. Is it at all possible to implement a function
(perhaps called gnome-su() ) that pops up a password dialog, and if the user
enters the correct password, the application restarts itself as root? Also,
instead of a seperate function, it could be an option to gnome-init().

	= L

|       LOBAN AMAAN RAHMAN  <-- anagram of -->  AHA! AN ABNORMAL MAN!      |
|   Snail: MSC #763, Caltech, Pasadena, CA 91126, USA. ** 1-626-395-1407   |
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