Re: Truetype fonts in gnome-terminal

On Sat, Aug 28, 1999 at 03:02:39PM -0600, Dan Hensley wrote:
> Daniel Weber wrote:
> > Is anyone trying to use Truetype fonts in gnome-terminal?  I was messing
> > around with it today and I noticed that truetype fonts don't render
> > properly when you type; they aren't spaced properly (almost like a space
> > is echo'd back).  Backspace doesn't erase fully, either.  When I went
> > back to a mono font it all worked fine.  Can you use truetype in
> > gnome-terminal?
> I didn't have any trouble with backspace not erasing fully, but most of the
> TT fonts I tried were spaced pretty widely.  Even my TT Courier was pretty
> horrible, but my Adobe one wasn't bad.
> Dan


truetype fonts that are not fixed width will not work that well in a
terminal program, because it likes fonts to be fixed width.  If
they're not, I believe it uses the width of the widest character, but
that part is wild conjecture.  Nevertheless, they will not work real

Ian Peters  | GnuPG Key ID 5C23D20C    | "They shout about love but when push | E584 2558 FAC3 BEAB EFAC |  comes to shove, they live for things | FC74 CFED 7E24 5C23 D20C |  they're afraid of." -- Neal Peart

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