Re: Making gnome speak

Erik Walthinsen wrote:
> There is a program in CVS called gspeech that does just that.  It's not
> very polished, but it does use festival to speak buttons and whatnot.
Thank's for the info. I'll download it ASAP.
> Both the cool thing about it and the problem is that it runs as a GTK
> plugin.  That means all you have to to do enable an app to use speech
> output is add --gtk-module=gspeech to the commandline of the program.
> That's it.  Where that breaks down is the simple fact that all
> applications are going to have different requirements when it comes to
> speaking to the user.  There is no such information available in GTK.
That's nice but it would be a bit better if any developer could decide
what his program has to say and what it has to show on the screen. Think
about the email client agent: It could read all your messages while you
are doing something else, with very little effort by the programmer.
That's the reason I think this library would be useful (but the gtk
plugin is cool too!). I'll try to write this lib if nobody else does,
but I think I'm not the best person to do this.

> I'm the author of a package that does the other side of the coin, voice
> recognition.  It's based on IBM's ViaVoice, and thus is not 'free' as a
> whole (though my code is GPL'd), and can also run as a plugin, sorta. The

> cool part is that it supports construction of vocabularies based on
> Glade's XML interface definitions, and thus is almost as easy to use as a
> simple plugin.
I'll download and try it when I get viavoice...


Ricardo Fernández Pascual
Murcia. España.

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