Re: Making gnome speak

Ricardo Fernández Pascual wrote:
>     I have downloaded the festival speech synthesis system
> ( and I've found it very
> interesting. I can speak in British or American English, Spanish and
> Welsh. Some other languages are coming  (Mexican Spanish, German and
> others which I don't remember).
>     The interesting feature for gnome is that it can work as a server,
> synthesizing requests from any client. The example client is very small
> (about 5k stripped). So I have thought that it would be very easy to add
> support to gnome-sound to synthesize text using festival. I would be an
> option and it wouldn't add any new dependencies to gnome, it would just
> test if a server is running and communicate with it.
>     Think in the possibilities: any gnome program would be able to speak
> just calling some gnome_say(gchar *text) function. Balsa (or whatever
> gnome mail client) could say "you have an email" with the only cost of a
> function call, and then start reading it aloud...
>     So what do you think?

GNOME is years behind Windows in this area. Search for a product called
Windows Bridge that allows visually impaired users to use Windows
programs. I've seen it run, it's pretty slick. It speaks every button
and menu.

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