Re: Setting parent to an applet

On Mon, 23 Aug 1999, John Kodis wrote:

> I've written a simple applet that contains only a labelled button.
> When this button is clicked, a dialog pops up.  This all works fine.
> I'd like to parent the dialog to the applet so that my window manager
> will place the dialog near its parent applet.  I'm trying to use:
>     gnome_dialog_set_parent(GnomeDialog *dialog, GtkWindow *parent)
> but I can't figure out what to pass as the parent window in a case
> like this where the parent is an applet.  None of the existing Gnome
> applets do this, so my usual "grep the sources" technique doesn't help.

You want

  gtk_window_set_position (GtkWindow *window, GtkWindowPosition position);



as the position parameter.

Nils Philippsen                  @college:
Vogelsangstrasse 115             @home:
D 70197 Stuttgart                phone:    +49-711-6599405
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