Jpilot and gnome

I recently went on what I believed to be another fruitless search for a
program to allow me to manage my information on my palm on my linux desktop
I have used pilot-link, could not compile pilot-manager, tried the new Palm
Desktop which ships with Shelf 2.1 from applix, and still did not have what
I wanted.  Enter jpilot which basically does synching both ways and includes
desktop software applications to manage each area on the palm.

I bring this up because its a really nice application which includes all of
the functionality of the "other one" on windows.  It would be nice if this
application could be rolled into the gnome stuff since it already does
synching both ways and has a functional look and feel.  The program requries
gtk 1.2 or above.  I have not seen this on the software map for gnome but it
does have the characteristic gtk look and feel and one could implement it
within gnome as *the gnome pilot software* quite easily since its already at
the 0.93 level.  It does require the pilot-link and pilot-link-devel for
redhat 6.

Check out for more details plus rpm and tarball
archives of the program and some nice screenshots.  I could not get the
latest release to work in RH6 but am coordinating this with the developer. 
The 0.92 release works quite well here.

Michael Perry -			 "No one can give you wiser advice	   .o O	  than yourself" -Cicero
		          '   )  
		          \  Gnome: at!!    
                           \ _)	where happiness is a state of foot.

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