Re: GNOME Usability Improvements - Fix the window manager!

Hi there!

In my humble opinion, one thing needs to be adressed above others in
G-nome  M-idnight  C-ommander

On my beige PowerMac scrolling in the right pane is
abysmally slow an jerky to boot.
( making GMC almost useless)
So slow that I have started running KDE instead.

In KDE the scrolling is relatively fast and even.
( my Mac is NOT optimized for speed in LinuxPPC 1999)

Overall GNOME feels very slow.

Best regards:  Max!
Max Wiberg
Dept. of Applied Psychology
Social Sciences Building
Umeċ University
Phone:   46 - 90 - 786 79 68
Fax:       46 - 90 - 786 66 92

Ohh my god, it's full of starsŠ


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