Re: Gnome Icon Status Report #1 -- The "We need nearly hundred"report

On 8 Aug 1999, Jacob Berkman wrote:

> I don't necessarily agree here.  For example, I don't think that regular
> and color xterms need to be unique.

But on the other side these two are extremely easy to make distinguishable
icons for (grammar?). Take the monitor (terminal) icon, put the X-Window
"X" on it and you have the xterm icon. Color the "X" or overlay it with a
rainbow or similar and you have the icon for color xterms.

Just my 2p.

Nils Philippsen                  @college:
Vogelsangstrasse 115             @home:
D 70197 Stuttgart                phone:    +49-711-6599405
The use of COBOL cripples the mind; its teaching should, therefore, be
regarded as a criminal offence.                          -- Edsger W. Dijkstra

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