Re: GNOME Usability Improvements - Fix the window manager!

On Wed, 4 Aug 1999, Matthias Warkus wrote:
> All fine and dandy, but I think there are more important issues than
> this perennial topic of discussion on this list. It's OK the way it
> is. Even what you mention is but a fine tweak with both advantages and
> disadvantages.

but isn't this type of discussion how things like Gnome are improved?
this discussion has spawned some farily brilliant ideas if i may say so
(not from my end unfortunately ;-0 ).

J   A   C   K      W   A   L   L   E   N,   J   R.       
get jack'd @  get  L   I   N   U   X  or get lost 
This is the greatest thrill of my life!  I'm king of the world!  Wooo,
wooo!  Wooo, wooo!

		-- Homer Simpson
		   Bart The Daredevil

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