gnome-core & CVS

  I've been using CVS for awhile and guess I just never noticed but
'' from gnome-core has this:

AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE(gnome-core, 1.0.5)

and I also get this:

$ panel -V
Gnome panel 1.0.5

  This is from CVS just a few minutes ago, I thought gnome-core was at
1.0.9, or do you need a special tag to get it ? My source tree doesn't
have all the applets anymore since they've been moved to gnome-applets
so I assume its the latest version and the version shown in ''
is just not correct ?
  My gnome-libs shows 1.0.12 and all the other modules seem to show the
latest versions in '' except gnome-core. Not really a big
deal just has me a little confused :-)

PS: Also looking around on 'bonzai' I saw empty 'capplets' and 
    'control-center' directories in gnome-core, is the control-center
	module going to be moved into gnome-core ?
It's the best thing since professional golfers on 'ludes.
                                                    -- Rick Obidiah

Mike Hall <>, ICQ: #37292579,
System Administrator (MH993) (*nix, OS/2 certified - C, Perl, CGI hacker)

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