trouble w/latest RPMs...maybe somthing I did long long ago??

John wrote:
> I just wanted to take time out and praise the people working on GNOME
> and GTK.  The latest RPM's not only got my gnome-session working,  it
> fixed a problem I was having with running the Gimp as well as having a
> more stable feel.  Keep up the good work.  I am learning GTK now and
> hope to start contributing soon.

am I the ONLY person for whom the latest RPMs not only didn't FIX the
problems, they actually made gnome WORSE???

I updated all my RPMs over last weekend, and everything is running TWICE
as slow.  esound actually allows other gnomeified programs to RUN, but
it itself refuses to bind to a port now.  and enlightenment starts it on
its own and doesn't kill it when it exits (so if I exit enlightenment
and start it over (or restart it) I get esd trying to start itself on
TOP of itself) I get NO enlightenment desktop icons, gmc STILL gives me
error messages about bad libraries, and I tried to go back to
windowmaker, but the thread safe Xlibs I had to install to use E-music
broke the WINGs widget set somehow (don't ask me how...I'm just talking
cause and effect here) and so WindowMaker REFUSES to run.  In essence
I'm stuck with gnome and gnome no longer likes me.
I'd start using KDE, but I have a feeling that's not going to like me
either.  there'll probably be something in there that I broke when I
started installin gnome.  <shrugs>...I DESPERATELY want this fixed...I
really liked gnome along about the .98 level...right now, though, my
computer is less useful than a win95 box.

- The Hitchhiker

"The opposite of a trivial truth is plainly false.  The opposite of a
great truth is also true."
				-Neils Bohr

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